Caregivers Blog

finding joy in the simplest things

Written by My Caregiving Journey | Jun 5, 2024 10:51:26 AM

Sam's Story


Living with a special-needs child is a journey, one that is often filled with challenges, but also unexpected joys.
My daughter was diagnosed with a cognitive disability at birth. It was a shock, a moment that stopped time and made
me question everything I thought I knew about parenting. But as the days turned into weeks, and weeks into years,
I've learned that while her needs may be special, her capacity for happiness is boundless, he finds joy in
the simplest things - ice cream and bubbles. The way her eyes light up when she spots an ice cream truck
down the street, or how she giggles uncontrollably when she's surrounded by bubbles, it's a reminder of the
pure, unadulterated joy that life has to offer. These moments, as fleeting as they may be, are the ones
that make all the challenges worth it. One of the resources that have been incredibly beneficial for us
is horseback riding. It's more than just a fun activity for her; it's therapeutic. Being around others
like her, bonding with the horses, it's an environment where she can just be herself without any judgment
or expectations. It's in these moments, atop a horse, with the wind in her hair and a big smile on her
face, that I see her truly come alive. But this journey isn't one I walk alone. I want to give a shoutout
to Mimi, our horseback riding instructor. Mimi, with her endless patience and unwavering kindness, has been
a godsend. She doesn't just teach my daughter how to ride; she teaches her how to believe in herself, how
to push past her limitations, and how to embrace every part of who she is.

In this journey, I've come to realize that being a caregiver isn't just about providing for physical needs.
It's about understanding, patience, and most importantly, love. It's about finding ways to bring joy and
happiness into their lives, whether it's through ice cream, bubbles, or horseback riding.

So, to all the caregivers out there, remember this - you are doing an incredible job.
And to my daughter, thank you for teaching me more about life and love than I could ever have imagined.
Your laughter is my favorite sound, your smile my favorite sight. Here's to more ice cream, more bubbles,
and many more horseback riding adventures.